The Grass is not Greener
The grass is not only not greener; it is really Astroturf. When you compare yourself to others, you find out what you thought they had is not want you really wanted in the first place. Comparing yourself with others only…
The grass is not only not greener; it is really Astroturf. When you compare yourself to others, you find out what you thought they had is not want you really wanted in the first place. Comparing yourself with others only…
Rejection is something that we all experience and it can be very devastating. According to the Science Watch, as far as the brain is concerned, a broken heart may not be so different from a broken arm. What does rejection…
We all find ourselves from time to time grumbling and complaining about something happening in our lives we usually have no control over. This can easy become a bad habit which has gotten into the fibers our being thud being…
Most of us don’t even recognize the self-sabotaging thoughts we permit to run freely through our minds. Science has confirmed, “What you are thinking everyday is becoming a physical reality in your brain and body.” These thoughts collectively affect your…
No one can really know the pain and turmoil you are experiencing. I lived in Houston for 17 years, and went through Allison, (Katrina survivors), Rita and Ike, while feeling nervous , anxious and unnerving, but also trusting in God…
Society tells us, “To be complete, we need a mate.” We desire a mate because as women, our desire is to have someone to love and to be loved in return. We want a family because we derive our identity…
“You act like your father sometimes.” I hated to hear these words each time my mother said them. Whenever I felt I was being attacked, I would make negative, cutting remarks, because I knew it might be true of me….
I thought I should reblog this post as I am in the midst of completing my book, Deliver Me from Me. Coming soon!
“I can’t go on, Lord. I have had enough,” I said to myself one Sunday evening. I placed a bottle of sleeping pills in front of me as I sat on my bed. I had been depressed for several months….
When I was young I hated my nose because it didn’t look like Hollywood’s definition of beauty. I wanted to change so many things about my appearance. I even questioned God why He made me the way I was. I…