Angry at God?
“Why weren’t you there for me God? I depended on and you failed me.” Are you angry at God? Was there was something you wanted him to do, and He didn’t come through for you. A failed marriage, a loved one died…and…
“Why weren’t you there for me God? I depended on and you failed me.” Are you angry at God? Was there was something you wanted him to do, and He didn’t come through for you. A failed marriage, a loved one died…and…
I have found in my many years of ministry that the greatest need is a need for forgiveness. We just don’t want to let go of some issues. More than often, we don’t really know how these issues are affecting…
“Broken relationships, hurts, pain, disappointments, friends who didn’t like me…” One of the greatest hindrances to fulfilling our destiny are the undealt areas of unforgiveness in our lives. It is not what happened to us that really affects us the greatest,…
My father was emotionally bankrupt. He was a very strict, dominating, and authoritarian person. If he said the sky was was purple and you didn’t agree with him, there will be a big argument in the house. He was an excellent…