We all find ourselves from time to time grumbling and complaining about something happening in our lives we usually have no control over. This can easy become a bad habit which has gotten into the fibers our being thud being a way of life.
Here is the definition—grumble means to complain or protest about something in a bad-tempered, but typically muted way. Grumbling is to murmur or mutter in discontent; complain sullenly—utter low indistinct sounds—to complain about someone or something in an annoyed way.
Why do we complain: It is usually when we face a situation that is not working in our favor and going like we think it should. It’s when the results of a situation or persons are not meeting our expectations.
These are something you
Phil. 2:14 Do all things without grumbling & complaining so that we could be a good testimony. (paraphrase)
This message is right hot of the press because I had to deal with this week-end.
Give Testimony—hitting car—pity party—after feeling sorry for myself I started to take a moment to reflect and allow God to speak—to show me the right perspective—I had food, shelter, clothing I should be content. I was not in the car when it the person—no injury to my physical body.
Lost of contentment is a great problem in an influence society.
Here are four Principles you can use to stop you from stop Grumbling and Complaining
Review these principles
Now think of a time you grumble & complain how could you turn this situation around using these principles
Did this help and serve and support?
Did you get something from it?