
How to Stop Becoming Overwhelmed

Do you feel overwhelmed as if you will never finish your endless “To Do List”? You feel like you can’t endure another distraction or set back. During this approaching holiday season more than any other time we can experience these feeling in our emotions and minds. The feeling of being overwhelmed is something we all face. How can I get all the things I am expected to do done in such a short time.
I am sharing this with you because this is my greatest need at this time. Being gone a month from home and getting back to a gigantic To Do List caused me to fall on my face and scream how do I do this? This message is hot from the Press.
There are five steps I want you to remember this season before you try to tackle that BIG TO DO LIST:

  1. Breathe — take a deep breath and rid yourself of anxiety and calm yourself down.There are a lot of benefits from taking deep breaths. Go the internet to find all the benefits of deep breathing.
  2. Bite Size — don’t bring your list of 50 things to get done this month and keep it in front of you. Put them in bite-size pieces no more than 3-7 a day. Remember you eat an elephant one bite at a time.
  3. Be Realistic — by knowing you can’t get all the things done in one day. We can be so hard on ourselves and expect more from us than we do from others. Rome was not built-in a day. Know yourself. Somethings take longer than other so give you a break.
  4. Breaks — factors in some breaks and conserve your energy for the more significant harder things. If you are a morning person, do the hard things or difficult things in the morning. If you get your second win at night, do the complicated stuff then.
  5. Beloveth — as a believer you are just not in charge of your total life so distractions and difficulties will come. God has the last say so; why not invite Him to show you how to get things done more effectively and efficiently. In fact, your lives are to be a cooperation with the Holy Spirit. We are never alone, so God is always working with us and our choices. Give time to let Him direct you.

Remember these scriptures and repeat them often:

Proverbs 16:3 (AMP) “Roll your works upon the Lord–commit and trust them wholly to Him;[He will cause your thoughts to become agreeable to His will, and]so shall your plans be established and succeed.”
Philippians 4:6 (AMP) “Do not fret or have any anxiety about anything, but in every circumstance and everything by prayer and petition[definite requests] with thanksgiving continue to make your wants known to God.”

Dr. Brenda Stratton (c) 2018 | Maintained by mudiwa.com