

Transformational You – Overcoming Ten Self-Sabotaging Behaviors


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Overcoming 10 Self-Sabotaging Behaviors – is about your journey of discovering what a beautiful creation you are and not allowing self-sabotaging emotions and behaviors hold you back from your destiny.  Most of the topics are things that you wrestle with in life such as negative thinking, shame, and failure.


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Transformational You – Overcoming Ten Self-Sabotaging Behaviors – by Meologist Dr. Brenda Stratton

If you have ever said: “I am tired of being tired!”  I keep going around the mountain making the same mistake, why can’t I get over this pain and forgive him or her? Some of you know you are depressed and can’t figure out why, and this pain is keeping you up at night. You don’t know what step to take next.

You can finally have the life you always dream of and stop avoiding costly mistakes.  We all want to be successful, and you are only a few steps away from building your dream life.

The book Transformational (Overcoming 10 Self-Sabotaging Behaviors) is about your journey of discovering what a beautiful creation you are and not allowing self-sabotaging emotions and behaviors hold you back from your destiny.  Most of the topics are things that you wrestle with in life such as negative thinking, shame, and failure.

Meologist Dr. Brenda Stratton


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Dr. Brenda Stratton (c) 2018 | Maintained by mudiwa.com