
Extreme Makeover

When I was young I hated my nose because it didn’t look like Hollywood’s definition of beauty. I wanted to change so many things about my appearance.  I even questioned God why He made me the way I was.

Insert Vol 96 America's next top model

Insert Vol 96 America’s next top model (Photo credit: Insert Magazine)

I grew up in Los Angeles, California, next to “Hollywood” where looks and image are extremely important. Surrounded by the world’s standard of what I should look like, I got discouraged when I didn’t look like America’s next top model. I could not emulate Hollywood’s standards of beauty, intelligence, and success.

As I began to grow in the Word, I began to see myself more through the eyes of God. Those things that I didn’t like about myself, especially my nose became the things that made me special and unique.

If I had continually used society’s yardstick to measure my life, I would come out as lacking. I would not have been able to fulfill my own destiny if I continued to try to live someone else’s life.

The world defines success as the attainment of wealth, goals, position, or honors; but the biblical meaning of success or Sakal-Hebrew, actually means to prosper, wise and understand.  (Read Joshua 1:8)

Joshua 1:8 (ESV)

“This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.”

God definition of success is different from the world. It is not about the attainment of physical beauty, wealth, position and honors, but about having wisdom, understanding and flourishing as a person. His Word was my extreme makeover. Mediate on God’s Word daily and you will be on the road to success.

Prayer of Healing: 

Father, I thank you that I am a beautiful and unique person. In Psalms 139, You said that I am fearfully and wonderful made. Your works are wonderful and that is what I determine to see about myself.  Forgive me for comparing myself to others and judging myself by worldly standards. Today, I live in the reality of who You have made me.

In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Dr. Brenda Stratton (c) 2018 | Maintained by mudiwa.com