The greatest revelation I have ever had in my life was to find out that God was truly my Father. He just wasn’t God up in the sky, or Jesus in my heart. He was God, my Father. Whatever kind of father you have, you might have placed his characteristics on your heavenly Father. That is just what I did.
For me, having the concept of God as my heavenly Father was only an intellectual ascent. But the day, I understood that God was my biggest Fan, and He truly loved me unconditionally, changed my very life.
I remember a time in prayer when He began to pour His love on me. The first time, I experienced this was at a prayer meeting. God begin to say, “I love you, I love you, I love you over and over.”
This was the first time, I heard God say, “I love you, Brenda. I’ve covered you with my love.“
I felt a warm and cozy feeling come over me, and I could not stop crying. I felt something touch my back. I almost looked around to see if there was anybody there. I opened my eyes, but there was no one.
Then, I heard these words, “I’ve got your back and I AM for you.“
I can’t explain it, but for the first time I felt valuable to someone, and that someone cared about me. I didn’t have to face this life alone. It’s like I had my personal cheerleader saying, “You go girl, you can do it. I have your back.”
This is where I learned to call him, “My Papa, my Daddy.” Calling him Papa has changed my relationship with him. There is nothing my Papa won’t do for me, because I am His special child.
God wants all of us to know how much He loves us, and how special we are to Him. He is our greatest Encourager. He is always rooting for us, because He knows we will always win. God has happy thoughts toward you every day.
“I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with unfailing kindness.” Jeremiah 31:3, NIV
Sit on your Daddy’s lap, and let Him tell you how special you are to Him.
“My child, on the day you were born, I hovered over you with excitement, knowing my beautiful creation had come to fulfillment. I have always wanted you. You were never a mistake in my eyes. I wanted to show you how much I love to shower you with blessings, grace and mercy, because you are my child made in my image. Your earthly parents are only stewards of you, but truly, you belong to Me. I desire to have an intimate relationship with you. I am a good Papa. Whatever you need I will provide, feel free to ask Me. My love for you will never stop, never grow old, and never lose potency.
You may have read in My Word that I rejoice over you with singing. This is true. Open up your ears and heart, you may hear me singing to you. There is nothing more valuable in this universe that I have created other than you. I am your greatest Fan, your greatest Cheerleader and your greatest Encourager. I gave up my Son, Jesus, so that I could gain you back. I will never let you go. I want the opportunity for us to get to know each other better.
Love, Your Heavenly Father, God Almighty.
“…and to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled with all the fullness of God.” Ephesians 3:19, ESV
“For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16, NIV