
Live Each Day As If It Was Your Last

After months of struggling to leave my teaching position to go to full-time Christian Service, where I would have to live “by faith.” God asked me this one question. “If you knew you had one year to live would you hesitate coming off your job?” Of course, the answer would be that I would not hesitate to come off my job. Then God spoke this statement to me that changed my life forever. “Live as if you have one year to live.” He was challenging me to live each day to the fullest. He asked me this question over 40+ years ago, and I have tried to make this statement my life’s accomplishment. I have never regretted that choice to leave that teaching position and go into full-time ministry. You will never regret a decision you make to follow God’s leading.

We all have a past, present, and future. God has given us all a wonderfully bright future, but we only were given ‘Today’ to make an impact on our world. He gives us the Grace we need to take care of Today! Matthew 6:34 Ampflied “So do not worry or be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will have worries and anxieties of its own. Sufficient for each day is its own trouble.”
No matter what is happening in your “world,” I would encourage you to live in the present grace of God and make this day count as your most significant day thus far. I guarantee you will have less stress and more blessing as you choose to LIVE EACH DAY AS IF WAS YOUR LAST!


Dr. Brenda Stratton (c) 2018 | Maintained by mudiwa.com