“You act like your father sometimes.”
I hated to hear these words each time my mother said them. Whenever I felt I was being attacked, I would make negative, cutting remarks, because I knew it might be true of me.
You may have heard someone say that you look like your grandmother or have characteristics like your Aunt Susie. Just as there are different kinds of inherited genetic or medical disease tendencies, such as heart disease or diabetes, there are also inherited ancestral sins, which is a heart tendency to get involved in certain sins found in your family line. For example, you may find your family members from different generations having the same common issue, such as addictions, divorce, anger, abuse, depression, etc.
What does generational sin look like? It is like walking outside and accidentally stepping on dog poop. We try vigorously to wipe it off and we think we have gotten it all off, only to step into the house and find ourselves still smelling of dog poop. This is the residue of sin lingering on you.
An Israeli proverb says, “The parents ate the sour grapes and the children had the bitter taste.” In a nutshell, it means that what was permitted in families can still be in effect today if we don’t get the right cure.
Just as we can change the condition of our physical bodies by taking control of our health, we can also put an end to the curses of our ancestral line by stopping them in our generation. God does not want us to continually carry sin and He made provision for us to be free. How do we stop it?
Steps to Stop Generational Sin.
I will not participate with this sin nor have anything to do with it. I break all ties with this from my life and my family’s life because of what Jesus did for me on the Cross through His blood.
Prayer of Healing
I confess the sin of ________________ (name the sin) of my ancestors or parents and even myself. I forgive and release all those persons who brought this sin into my bloodline including myself. I renounce, break, and turn away from this sin of ______________ (name the sin) for myself, and my family, because of the Cross and Jesus’ shed blood. By faith I receive freedom from the sins and curses surrounding them.
In Jesus’ Name, Amen.